Serge Thorimbert

Sorbonne Universités, Université Pierre et Marie Curie,
Institut Parisien de Chimie Moléculaire UMR CNRS 8232






PhD of organic chemistry under the direction of Pr. J.P. Genêt
Habilitation delivered by Université Pierre et Marie Curie


Professional experience

1993 - 94:
1994 -95:
1998 - 98:
1995- :

Post-doctoral fellow. Max-Planck-Institut für Kohlenforschung. Pr. W.F. Maier.
Assistant Professor. University P. et M. Curie. Pr. C. Agami.
Academic Visitor. Imperial College. London. Pr. D. Craig.
Associate Professor then Full Professor (2010) at the IPCM, UPMC.



1989-93: French Ministry of Research and Technology fellowship
1993-94: Max Planck-Gesellschaft fellowship
1998 : Invited Prof., Florence University (July 1998) – Collaboration with prof G. Poli
1998-99 : NATO fellowship
1998-99 : Visiting Scientist. Imperial College. London
2009 : Valtva 2009. Financial support to visit Laboratories in Czech Republic
2014 : Visiting Prof., Nanyang Technological University. 10th-15th March 2014


Participation to national and international research programs

2003-05 :

2010- :
2013 :
2014 :
2015 :

2015 :

Gallileo Project n° 5260: French-Italian bilateral collaboration 5000 €
COST action n° D12/0011/98 then n° D24/0013/02. 10000 €
Research Quality Funding : Polyoxometalates and Biological Receptors. 20000 €
ANR JC05-41806 "Hybrid Polyoxométallates (member, ETP 75%). 75000 €
ANR Blanc “Allenes” (member, ETP 25%). 420000 €
ANR PCV “Polyoxometalates as inhibitors of protein kinase” (member, ETP 30%). 270000 €
Confidentiality Agreement with SANOFI: “New Heterocyclic Compounds”
Convergence UPMC “Polyoxometalates as Probes for Microscopy” 14600 €
SATT Lutech (Local financial support): 5000 €
MiChem LabEx grant for a PhD Student: “Artificial MetalloEnzymes”.
H2020 Marie-Sklodovka Curie Fellowship for two years:  EPOM-Bioanal project 185000 €. Hosting a two years Post-doc.
Interface for Life Sciences Program: grant for a PhD Student: “New Fluorophores for Oxydized Proteins Detections”.


Scientific Production
71 publications; 30 national and international conferences, 14 oral communications; h-index = 23
Review articles: 3; Book chapters: 2

Current research interests

  • Organic Synthesis - Heterocyclic compounds - Reactivity
  • Organometallic Chemistry – Catalysis – Artificial Metalloenzymes
  • Hybrids Materials.

Organization of meetings
1999 : Co-organization of the 1st COST meeting of COST action n° D12/0011/98, Paris (2 days, 5 lectures, 5 short communications).
2002 : Co-organization of the 4th COST meeting of COST action n° D12/0011/98, Paris (3 days, 10 lectures).
2005 : Co-organization of the 3rd COST meeting of COST action n° D24/0013/02, Paris (3 days, 11 lectures).
2014 : Co-organization of the 5th French-Czech chemistry meeting. September, 8th-9th 2014. (12 Plenary lectures - 12 short communications - 80 participants)

Expert work
Expert for funding agencies French National Research Agency ANR, Ile de France, Research in Paris, Czech Science Foundation (2011 and 2015), Croatia Ministry of Sciences, Education and Sports (2014, 2016), COFECUB (2016).
Involved in 1 HDR and 39 PhD defenses (including 5 international expertises).
Referee for Wiley (Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., Eur. J.O.C., Chemistry); ACS (J. Org. Chem., Org. Lett., Inorg. Chem.); Thieme-Chemistry (Synthesis, Synlett); Elsevier (Tetrahedron Lett., Tetrahedron, J. Organomet. Chem.); RSC (Chem. Sci., Catal. Sci. Technol., Chem. Commun.)
2011-2015 : Head of the local board members for recruitment of permanent and non permanent researchers for Organic, Inorganic and Industrial Chemistry (CNU 32ème section).
Since 2015 : Permanent Member of the French National Universities Committee for Organic, Inorganic and Industrial Chemistry (CNU 32ème section).