Damien Prim
Damien Prim is professor of organic chemistry at the University of Versailles St Quentin, France. He obtained his PhD in Organic Chemistry at the University Paul Verlaine in Metz under the supervision of Professor G. Kirsch (France, 1994). After a postdoctoral period in Professor L. Ghosez group at the University Catholique of Louvain, Belgium for his postdoctoral training, he came back to Metz as Assistant Professor and successively moved to the University of Pierre and Marie Curie as CNRS researcher (Paris, 1999), the University of Versailles St Quentin as Assistant Professor (Versailles, 2001) where he was promoted to professor of chemistry in 2004.
His current research interests include homogeneous catalysis and chemistry of planar, twisted and 3D-shaped molecular architectures.